Eugene Food Scene

Eugene Food Scene

Working with the Chamber of Commerce to publish a list and a map of local restaurants with take-out delivery and pick-up options during the pandemic.


Not sure what "point for" means....

Intriguing possibility here, titling the two columns: 1. How I can help 2. What might help

The website can be customized and "Points for" is the default text. People may have complex feelings about a proposal, although, even if it is nuanced, people must sort their comments into either column. Readers vote the comments up or down. Each must be complete unto itself to make any sense, this scuttles the trolls and allows people to self-curate the forum. The columns can be retitled to suit this project.

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

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Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information