A tool for direct democracy and more

A tool for direct democracy and more

Your Priorities can be used in many ways but it's based on users adding their own Priorities which other users can then then Support or Oppose or add their own Points, either supporting or Opposing the Priority. Feel free to play around with this instance, it's created specifically for the e2d organisation that is emerging over the world. Suggestions for improving the system are most welcome at http://dev.yrpri.org


Your Priorities can be used in many ways but it's based on users adding their own Priorities which other users can then then Support or Oppose or add their own Points, either supporting or Opposing the Priority. Feel free to play around with this instance, it's created specifically for the e2d organisation that is emerging over the world. Suggestions for improving the system are most welcome at http://dev.yrpri.org

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This content is created by the open source Your Priorities citizen engagement platform designed by the non profit Citizens Foundation

Your Priorities on GitHub

Check out the Citizens Foundation website for more information